KOIKE 製品情報流体・安全・ケミカル商品

ディアマント 金属補修剤 プラスティックメタル / Diamant Plastic Metal


ドイツ ディアマント社から来た金属補修剤「プラスティックメタル」


自動車部品・プラスチック金型の肉盛り成型、エアブレーキ・冷凍機・ラ ジエーター等の空気
・フレオンガス・水等の洩れ止めに使用可能です。 2液性の混合後の使用となりますが、
Small and medium metal & casting repairs DIAMANT Plastic Metal from Germany
plasticmetal is a fast hardening and polymer bound metal for the removal of blow holes. After
hardening the high-performing polymer machinable like metal. The excellent resistance to
physical, thermal and chemical strain has especially been developed for the requirements of
the foundry industry. plasticmetal is an extremely flexible system which can be mixed and
applied in small quantities as well as combined with 6 different hardeners.
Product benefits
Combine 12 metal powders individually with 6 hardeners
Best metallic character
Excellent technical characteristics
Fast hardening
Variable viscosity (liquid to putty)
Perfect for small and medium repairs of blowholes and defects
free-mixing ratio from liquid up to putty
With the product plasticmetal we have made it to our business to ease the application and
increase the efficiency in production. Therefore we have developped an
“open metal & casting repair system” with 12 different metal powders, which can be
combined with 6 different hardeners. Due to the free mixing ratio (from liquid to putty viscosity)
sources of errors during the mixing process are eliminated. Moreover, plasticmetal is
highly efficient – you decide how much material is necessary for the application and store
the remaining material until the next application. – easy, efficient, reliable.